Author: admin

  • Why were most of the General Election Polls Prediction wrong?

    Most of the Polls forecast a hung Parliament but in truth there was always a probability of the Conservatives forming a Majority Government. Nevertheless, commentators focus on the Most Likely Event even though the uncertainty in the figures were wide. Hence Labour is ahead one day but the Conservatives are ahead by the same point…

  • Serious Logical Mind Training

    Serious Logical Mind Training

    Conrad Wolfram has been giving talks on how to make mathematics more beautiful (Click here to watch). Conrad argues that mathematics should be more practical and more conceptual, but less mechanical,” and that “Calculating is the machinery of maths – a means to an end.” He identified four phases of doing mathematics namely: and that…

  • Proud to be a Mathematician – The Radio Debate

    In 2005, I wrote an article for the IMA Mathematics Today called “Proud to be a Mathematician!” In this article, I informed the mathematics community how I had a lively debate with a radio DJ who had said that mathematics is boring! I never realized at the time that my actions would inspire so many…